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Building the Capacity of Older Adults Through Job Coaching
As the population of older adults grows exponentially in the next few decades, more of them will be looking to stay employed or reenter the labor force. However, many barriers exist to accessing stable quality jobs, especially for those with limited English proficiency and limited computer literacy.
Through job coaching, NAPCA is building the capacity of older adults to confidently and successfully engage in the job application and interview process. We have developed an age-friendly and culturally competent curriculum that we are currently piloting with our job coaching.
Stay tuned for how to access this tool – for we have hopes of scaling it in the near future to our wide network of community partners.
NAPCA’s Age-Friendly and Culturally Competent Curriculum Supports Older Adults in:
Applying For A Job
- Creating an email account and learning email etiquette
- Identifying their value and skills in past and current experiences
- Developing a resume tailored to a specific job
- Writing a cover letter
Preparing For an Interview
- Practicing professionalism
- Building up their confidence leading up to, during, and after an interview
- Dressing for success
Snapshots of NAPCA’s Job Coaching Curriculum

Clear objectives and guiding language that job coaches can utilize and customize for individual older adults and their learning needs.
Activity sheets that build upon each other, providing a step-by-step process for writing resumes and cover letters. Print these out then have older adults fill these out by hand before typing up their completed resume or cover letter on the computer.

In October, the NAPCA team in Los Angeles conducted job coaching utilizing our pilot curriculum with Rodrigo Sabino, one of our hardworking SCSEP participants. Through our job coaching program, Mr. Sabino applied and interviewed for employment with our corporate partner Sodexo. He recently has been hired and is currently working as a food service worker.

Empower Older Adults by Volunteering as a Job Coach!
NAPCA's job coaching volunteer program matches active and retired working professionals with older adults who are looking to build their skills, capacity, and confidence to find employment.
By volunteering to do 1-on-1 coaching and/or facilitating group workshops utilizing our age-friendly and culturally competent curriculum, you will be giving back to the community by supporting older adults in building their economic security.
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