Welcome to the National Resource Center on AAPI Aging
The National Resource Center on AAPI Aging is the nation’s first and only technical assistance resource center dedicated to building the capacity of long-term service and support systems to equitably serve AAPI older adults and their caregivers. Established in 2015 through a grant from the Administration for Community Living, NAPCA’s National Resource Center on AAPI Aging collaborates with mainstream aging organizations who specialize in mature workers, healthy aging, family caregiving, elder justice, dementia, and long-term services and supports portfolios. Through these partnerships, NAPCA’s cultural expertise informs the collaborative development of technical assistance for professionals, such as trainings, fact sheets, reports, and culturally and linguistically appropriate educational resources.
Who is Eligible for a COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot?
What You Need to Know
COVID-19 Vaccine booster shots are available for the following Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine recipients who completed their initial series at least 6 months ago and are:
65 years and older
Age 18+ who live in long-term care settings
Age 18+ who have underlying medical conditions
Age 18+ who work in high-risk settings
Age 18+ who live in high-risk settings
English | Chinese | Spanish | Korean | Vietnamese
Resources to Asian Specific Services in Northern California: Download PDF
Medicare and You: 2022
Summary of Medicare benefits, coverage decisions, rights and protections, and answers to the most frequently asked questions about Medicare.
English | Chinese | Spanish | Korean | Vietnamese
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) State Directory of Resources
Take action to avoid eviction using the CDC order - CFPB
Cultural Competency

AAPI Cultural Competency Course
In partnership with the Advancing IQ Learning Center, NAPCA developed a cultural competency course: Strengthening Cultural Competence in Information and Referral/Assistance Work with AAPI Older Adults. During this course, the National Resource Center on AAPI Aging provides a general overview of AAPI older adult populations throughout America, including demographic trends, cultural diversity and barriers to accessing services.

Cultural Translation of TCARE for Korean and Vietnamese Caregivers
The successful translation of evidence-based programs, such as TCARE, for Korean and Vietnamese caregivers hinders on their engagement in the translation process. Using a community-based participatory approach, this project used culturally appropriate qualitative methods to examine the readiness of TCARE for Korean and Vietnamese caregivers.

Fact Sheet: Strategies to Identify an Interpreter
The most significant barrier AAPIs experience in accessing long term services and supports is limited English proficiency, or LEP. LEP individuals are those who do not speak English as their primary language, and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English.

Fact Sheet: Identifying AAPI Languages
Through technical assistance with aging organizations and providers, the National Resource Center on AAPI Aging has heard from professionals that they experience challenges in accessing and understanding data. Obtaining data on AAPI older adults can seem difficult, intimidating, and confusing.

SMP/SHIP/MIPPA Webinar Series: Cultural Competency with AAPI Older Adults
This webinar series was developed to provide technical assistance to State Health Insurance Programs and Senior Medicare Patrols grantees to increase their capacity to better reach AAPI Medicare beneficiaries with limited English proficiency. The series describes AAPI populations, their unique needs, and challenges, with a focus on outreach and engagement.

n4a Webinar Series: Cultural Competency with AAPI Older Adults and Caregivers
The first webinar in this two-part series provides an overview of the AAPI older adult population for Area Agency on Aging, or AAA, staff and providers, including demographic trends, cultural diversity and barriers to accessing services. The second webinar in this series provides a more in-depth look at the strong cultural values and diversity across AAPI families. Complex issues, such as family caregiving and dementia are discussed.

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders' Perspectives on Participating in the CARE Recruitment Research Registry for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias, Aging, and Caregiving Research - (July 2021)
This action brief is for community-based organizations working to educate and empower AAPI communities about dementia.
Healthy Aging

2016 Listening Sessions Report: Emerging Needs for AAPI Older Adults
In 2016, in partnership with the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the National Resource Center on AAPI Aging convened listening sessions across the nation to understand the key issues facing AAPI older adults.

AAPI Inclusion: Self-Assessment for Organizations
The NAPCA Helpline has been an invaluable in-language national service to many Asian American older adults for more than a decade. During that time, we have helped Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese seniors to enroll in and evaluate their Medicare part D plans, apply for Low-Income Subsidy, and provide information and assistance on other benefit programs.

Needs Assessment: Identifying the Needs of AAPI Elder-Serving Organizations
Community-based organizations, or CBOs, across the U.S. play an essential role in addressing health, economic, and social disparities of AAPIs. In an effort to better understand the landscape of AAPI-serving CBOs and the needs of AAPI elders, NAPCA conducted a needs assessment survey of 558 of its community partners.

Report: Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
In 2009, NAPCA implemented the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, or CDSMP, within AAPI communities.
CDSMP, which was developed by the Stanford University Patient Education Research Center, is an evidence-based program based on the concept of self-efficacy, or a person’s confidence that he or she can learn and master new skills to better manage or “take control” of their health.
Mature Workers

Pilot Study: Financial Well-Being among AAPI Older Workers
This pilot study investigated economic readiness for retirement among low-income older Asian adults. Data was collected from 150 participants of the Senior Community Service Employment Program, also referred to as SCSEP, an employment and training program for low-income older adults.

Data Brief: AAPI Economic Indicators
The United States has encountered fluctuations in the aging workforce. There has been an increase in the overall number of older workers in the labor force, as well as an increase in the number of older AAPI workers in the labor force.
In particular, income and poverty statistics misrepresent the economic status of many AAPI elders and understate the challenges faced by this population. In fact, disaggregated data reveals that many AAPI sub-groups are some of the most impoverished in the country. This data brief reports disaggregated data on economic indicators such as income, poverty, insurance, housing, and benefits.
Elder Abuse Prevention

Research Study: Elder Mistreatment Among AAPI Older Adults
This report describes findings from a study that examined AAPI older adults’ life experiences that included various topics related to elder mistreatment.60 anonymous survey responses were collected from SCSEP participants aged 55+ at NAPCA’s Los Angeles and Orange County project sites.

AAPI Financial Exploitation Series - Guidelines for Professionals
The Guidelines for Professionals are intended to (1) provide instructions on utilizing the in-language fact sheets developed within this series, and (2) highlight best practices for professionals when working with AAPI older adults who may be a victim of, or vulnerable to, financial exploitation.
Older Adult & Caregiver Resources

Immunization - CDC Resources on Vaccination
National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance held in August to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. Use these resources from the CDC to assist you in communicating to healthcare professionals, parents, and patients about immunization during August and throughout the year.

Rental Assistance Finder - CFPB
The Rental Assistance Finder is designed to help tenants and landlords take advantage of emergency rental assistance that can be used to cover rent, utilities, and other housing costs. Ultimately, the goal is keep people in their homes.

Elder Abuse Fact Sheets
We encourage community-based organizations and professionals who work closely with AAPI caregivers and older adults with dementia to use these. Each factsheet contains a space to list local resources, such as phone numbers and websites, that may be difficult for AAPI older adults who have limited English proficiency to access.